Exercise Your Brain
Face Memory Test from the BBC’s Science: Human Body and Mind site. Skills like memory are the first to go when we’re tired. This test assesses your ability to remember how long ago something happened – your ‘temporal’ memory. What can your brain remember?
Interesting Literacy and Learning Links
Ted Talk: Nancy Kanwisher: A Neural Portrait of the Human Mind. Brain imaging pioneer Nancy Kanwisher, who uses fMRI scans to see activity in brain regions (often her own), shares what she and her colleagues have learned: The brain is made up of both highly specialized components and general-purpose “machinery.” Another surprise: There’s so much left to learn.
Kindergarten Readiness Test Gains Ground. A new readiness assessment this year that rests on teachers’ observations of children’s work and play hopes to build a detailed picture of what students need as they begin the school year. Education Week, October 8, 2014.
How to Improve Literacy and Numeracy Skills (and Scores if You Care About Such Things). Skills can only be improved in individuals, and the only way to do this is to use a recursive loop of assessment and teaching tailored to individual students’ needs and interests, and to promote the reading and writing processes and thoughtful reflection. Huffington Post, October 6, 2014.
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