Brain Teaser:
This one has caused a lot of debate! What do you think?
Take a new test aimed at the world’s English Language Learners. Wondering how your English skills stack up? Try the sample questions at the end of the article on testing ELL students and see how you would fare. Do you agree or disagree with the answers?
Interesting Literacy and Learning Links:
This is awesome! Through Your Child’s Eyes. It’s one thing to read about how a learning or attention issue can affect your child. It’s another thing to see it through your child’s eyes. Experience firsthand how frustrating it can be when your hand won’t write what your brain is telling it to write. Find out why it can be so hard to complete a simple task even when you’re trying to pay attention. Experience it yourself. National Center for Learning Disabilities.
Two New Studies Look at How Infants and Toddlers Acquire Language. Research on how infants develop language skills is providing crucial insights on how language-rich environments benefit babies. Eye on Early Education, September 29, 2014.
Reading is About More Than Evidence. Imagine reading along in a novel, already anticipating the question you’ll be required to answer, the thesis statement you’ll eventually develop, or the comment you’ll make in discussion and be required to “back up” with evidence. The trouble is that when students read in this way, they don’t recognize all that text does and can do besides serving as evidence. Education Week, October 1, 2014.
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