When your child is diagnosed with a learning disability it can be very overwhelming. Concern about school, worry about how your child is fitting in with others and questions about the future arise.
Parenting Resources
A Chapter Here, A Comic Strip There
Bedtime stories are a long-standing family tradition in my family. Growing up I was read to every night before bed, a chapter here, a story there, and now do the same for my two boys who are two-and-a-half and nine months old.
How Many Ounces Are Left?
The early years of childhood are a wonderful time to help your children develop vocabulary skills that will greatly benefit their later reading comprehension skills.
iPhones, iPads, iTunes, iPods………….. I STUDY?
Distractions have crept their way into our lifestyles for better or for worse. And as great as they are in connecting us with the world at large they can present challenges when it comes to study habits for our teen population.
What Should You Do if Your Child is Having Trouble in School?
Depending on family dynamics, you might become aware of any academic difficulties your child is experiencing over family dinner, while driving to soccer practice or in those quiet conversations just before bed.