Abby Roy, School Psychologist, shares practical strategies to help parents (and teachers!) know what to say and do to help children manage frustration, think flexibly, and learn the self-regulation skills they need to be happy and healthy. Together, we can be the parents we wish to be for our children.
Early Childhood Education
MindPlay Comprehensive Reading Course
MindPlay’s Comprehensive Reading Course was developed by leading literacy experts to give teachers, special educators, school psychologists, speech-language pathologists, and anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of effective reading and spelling instruction, a strong foundation in reading science.
Building Blocks for Literacy
Building Blocks for Literacy® is a robust professional learning program for early care and education professionals to help ensure that our youngest learners are prepared for literacy success when they enter kindergarten.
Wilson Reading System® Introductory Course
This course provides participants with an overview of the Wilson Reading System® (WRS) 4th Edition curriculum and serves as the prerequisite for WRS Level I Certification. Over three consecutive days (16.5 hours), this course examines how WRS addresses the teaching of phonemic awareness, word identification, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension through an integrated study of phonology, morphology, and orthography with students in grade two and above with persistent phonological coding deficits.