Our Team

Jacqueline Labate, MA
Jacqueline Labate is a veteran educator of over 40 years. She earned both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Vermont College of Norwich University, where she focused on Women’s Studies and Education, with an emphasis on math anxiety. She has taught all levels of math from PK through adults.
After a career of classroom teaching Jacqueline spent over 20 years as an independent consultant to schools all across the US, helping schools and districts improve their math programs and implement problem solving and performance-based assessments. She believes deeply in teaching for understanding and empowerment, and has seen how math programs that put problem solving at the heart of inquiry cultivates skills that go far beyond the classroom – giving learners the competence and confidence to tackle just about anything. She has also collaborated with a number of national organizations, businesses, and leaders in math education. Jacqueline works with students in grades 1-7 supporting literacy skills, including reading comprehension and written expression.
Jacqueline is the founding director of The Growing Peace Project, a peacemaking, social justice, and youth activism educational nonprofit. The organization’s national programs revolve around collaborations between schools across the country, where students create and implement action plans that address issues they care about. Its local programs address food insecurity here in Vermont.
When not teaching or working with kids who are saving the world Jacqueline loves to garden, hang out with her family and pets, practice yoga, and cook big meals for anyone who comes by.