Our Team

Leigh Buettler, M.S.Ed.
Director of Professional Learning
Leigh Buettler has been in the educational field for over fifteen years, beginning work as an adjunct lecturer at SUNY at Albany in the Women’s Studies department, where she also earned a B.A. and M.A. in the same field. In 2009, Leigh was accepted into the Teach for America NYC Corps, where Leigh taught middle school in Queens, New York and earned a Master of Science in Education at Fordham University. More recently, Leigh taught elementary school at Cortland Enlarged City School District, where she also served as an Instructional Coach focusing on Literacy Instruction. Leigh is also a National LETRS Professional Learning Facilitator, an independent contractor for the Cortland County Teacher Center, and a certified General Educator and Special Educator in grades 1-6.