Williston, VT – The Stern Center for Language and Learning is pleased to announce that following a national RFP process, the Vermont Agency of Education has selected the Stern Center as a contractor for literacy improvement efforts, working with schools and communities through the Read Vermont initiative. Current national and state data show fewer than half of grade 3 and grade 4 students meet reading proficiency, with average percentages declining and substantial gaps for historically marginalized students. Legislative action (Act 139) and priorities set by the Agency emphasize literacy success as a key focus.
Leveraging its four decades of experience as a nonprofit dedicated to educational success for all learners, the Stern Center will provide specialized workshops on literacy to support teaching from pre-K through secondary and adult levels. Participating educators will learn about evidence-based methods for student success in the vital skills of reading and writing proficiently.
Over the 18-month project, the Stern Center’s professional learning coaches will also provide job-embedded support to 100 teachers and 40 administrators, focused on early elementary student improvement.
Additionally, the Stern Center will deliver programming and resources to nurture family and caregiver capacity among community members seeking support as they strive to raise capable readers who will go on to educational, career, and life success in Vermont.
“We at the Stern Center welcome the chance to focus, together with our state’s education leaders and dedicated teachers, on literacy success for every student. Literacy is vital for individuals, families, and communities, and pivotal to Vermont’s economic future,” said Dr. Laurie Quinn, president of the nonprofit based in Williston.