Assessment expert Dr. Melissa Farrall explains how assessment helps us understand why children do what they do, and maps out how we can better meet their unique needs.
For Schools
Reaching More Learners, Teachers, and School Leaders
Thanks to the generous support of visionary donors, we’re welcoming learners and their families, teachers and school leaders to a new Stern Center website.
Whole Language Vs Structured Language Approach to Teaching Reading
A long-running debate about the best way to teach children to read centers on two main approaches: whole language and structured literacy.
What is the Science of Reading?
The science of reading draws on decades of research in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, education, and linguistics that seeks to understand how children learn to read.
Activities, Games, and Lessons for Social Learning: A Practical Guide
A terrific resource guide full of games and activities that will help kids learn important social-emotional skills, written by the Stern Center’s Director of Social Learning and Communication, Julie Erdelyi, M.A.