This five-part asynchronous, self-paced interactive webinar series goes beyond basic word recognition skills and addresses all that goes into reading comprehension, including syntax, sentence comprehension, and grammar; vocabulary; fluency; and morphology and etymology.
Updated Approaches for Neurodiversity-affirming Social Cognition
No two brains are the same. All great minds learn differently, yet we all live in the same world. This interactive workshop focuses on how to teach social cognition skills within a neurodiversity-affirming framework. You will leave with tools and strategies you can apply as soon as the next day.
Orton-Gillingham: Diagnostic Assessment Webinar Series
Do you want to build a deeper understanding of the developmental progression of reading skills and know how to link assessment to instruction? This webinar series explores how to administer a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, how to analyze the results, and how to use an Orton-Gillingham scope and sequence to meet your students’ needs.
OG on the GO
Teach from anywhere in the world! OG on the GO will enable Orton-Gillingham (OG) and Structured Literacy (SL) teachers to learn engaging, multisensory strategies that complement each component of an Orton-Gillingham lesson plan. You will learn simple, effective methods for interactive instruction in a virtual setting and explore useful digital resources. Less is more when it comes to technology.
Orton-Gillingham Update & Refresh
This webinar is designed to review and update your knowledge of the Orton-Gillingham Approach if you have previously taken an OG course, especially through the Stern Center. This pre-recorded webinar will refresh your knowledge of the OG Approach and address several important updates, such as changes to the OG lesson plan.
Orton-Gillingham: Focus on Level II, Vowel Teams, & Beyond
Do you have questions about how to teach syllabication, vowel teams, r-controlled vowels, and spelling patterns, or questions as you progress to more advanced levels in your Scope and Sequence? This webinar, rich with multiple opportunities to practice and troubleshoot, is designed for Orton-Gillingham (OG) teachers with a basic understanding of the OG lesson plan and Scope and Sequence whose students are advancing in Level II of the OG Scope and Sequence.