Testing helps us understand how a child learns best, giving us a full profile of their strengths and needs.
For Teachers
What is Dylsexia?
Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects language, reading, and writing. Learn more about what dyslexia is and how to help people with it.
Whole Language Vs Structured Language Approach to Teaching Reading
A long-running debate about the best way to teach children to read centers on two main approaches: whole language and structured literacy.
How to Choose Books for Beginning Readers
Strategies from reading experts about choosing books for early reading include reviewing challenging words on a page, focusing on accuracy, and making it fun!
What is the Science of Reading?
The science of reading draws on decades of research in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, education, and linguistics that seeks to understand how children learn to read.
Phonological Awareness
Being aware of syllables helps us learn new vocabulary, sound out words, and spell.